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Each anecdote and story perfectly illustrates essential life wisdom followed by quick, practical ways to help navigate and courageously manage the beautiful chaos that is leadership.

Miri Rodriguez

CEO of, Author of Brand Storytelling and Storyteller at Microsoft Corporation

Amazon Best Seller and Hot New Release

#1 Best Seller in Non-formal Education
#1 Hot New release in Risk Management
#1 Hate New Release in Business and Management Technology History
#2 Best Seller in Risk Management
#1 Hot New Release in Social Aspects of the Internet

Get F.O.R.G.E.D. Now

Leaders must decide and take action when the course isn’t clear, but the stakes are high —sometimes life-threatening.

Uncertain crossroads force people to see things differently, to push past their assumptions and habitual ways of thinking, to rewrite their playbook. They ask leaders to see things through new perspectives and come up with unique responses to unique times.

In F.O.R.G.E.D.: Six Practices of Great Leaders in Volatile Times, author Douglas Scherer highlights the lessons of presence he has shared with his students for decades. The stories of leadership will encourage and support you in finding a flexible mindset to respond to critical situations.

From a board member of a major passenger airline bringing great Wi-Fi to its passengers, to volunteers stepping up to lead their local food pantry when its community’s needs rapidly expand, to a new employee creating a completely new competitive business model that saves their company...If you are ready for the inspiration to get F.O.R.G.E.D. now, then this book belongs on your reading list.


Douglas Scherer draws on his many years of research and organizational experience to set out practices that will help leaders develop the attitudes, values, and approaches that will serve them well as they execute their roles. These are the practices that are learned through experience in challenging times (what Douglas calls “The Forge”), from working creatively and with an open mind to communicating and building communities around the work to bringing compassion and intuition into the leadership style. Douglas presents examples from business, the Military, and the not-for-profit world to help readers see the practices in action. Leaders (current and aspiring) will find good guidance on preparing themselves to assume key roles in any form of entity.


     — Deirdre Silberstein, President, Silberstein & Associates LLC


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